Saturday, November 22, 2008

Kansas City in the Cold!

I had to go to a meeting in Jefferson City this week and I talked Alan and Alex in to going with me. This was our first overnight trip with Alex and he did so great, so watch out world, we will be world travelers in no time! We planned it right so that he would take his full naps in the car. Those of you who know Alex, though, know that he is just like his daddy and can pretty much sleep anywhere!

We ended up going to Kansas City for some family time and went to the Overland Park Botanical Gardens and Arboretum. Even though it was fairly cold, we had a great time and Alex loved being outside. To our KC friends, we only visited for a short time and will plan on a "real" visit with everyone next time!


Mauby said...

Soo Cute! :) Great pictures...Especially with the winter hat!!!!!!

Whitney said...

Looks like you all had a blast!

maskedbadger said...

kansas city is a known hotbed of blues, bbq and superheroism. i'm surprised he was willing to go back home.

faulkner said...

I think Alex is ready to come to NYC.

faulkner said...

You can visit my class' blog at

zznemo08 said... thanksgiving pictures are posted? Et toi?