Sunday, June 20, 2010


I realize daily how quickly Alex is learning Spanish and how soon I will not be able to keep up. Yesterday, I asked him: "cómo se dice 'open' en espanol?" Without even taking a moment to think, he replied: abre!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

House of Bounce

Slip and Slide

I have been a bit "under water" with moving, family visiting, and work being hectic. So, I have not posted recently. My sister accused me of falling off the face of the earth or possibly giving my child away since I haven't posted. I am sorry, I will try to post more regularly. We have been in our new house over a week now and we love it! When I have a chance, I will post pictures of the new house. For now, enjoy these photos from Alex's friend, Cameron's birthday party! Slip and slide extravaganza!!!