Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Baby Top 10

A friend of mine who is due to have her first baby this summer asked me about some of the things we use with Alex. I really enjoyed coming up with my top ten and thought I would share them on here.

1) Boppy Pillow--whether you are breastfeeding, pumping, or bottle feeding, you HAVE to have a Boppy! I seriously don't know what I would have done without this for the first 6 months. It is also great to use for before they can sit up on their own.
2) Wipe Warmer--now I didn't think that this would be a must have, but if you have a boy, it IS a must have. Nearly the only times that we get peed on are when we are out of the house and use cold wipes.

3) Fisher Price Ocean Wonder Aquarium--Once Alex started sleeping in his crib, he loved this musical crib aquarium.

4) The First Years Spin Store Drying Rack--$12 at Target and worth every penny. We purchased another one that was cheaply made and just didn't store enough. This rack was given to us as a gift and we LOVE it!!

5) The First Years Night and Day Bottle Warmer--We love this bottle warmer! Easy to use and very fast.

6) Nuk pacifiers and bottles--LOVE these pacifiers and bottles. They are designed to replicate a nipple and they seem to fit in the mouth better. The bottles are great also because you can interchange them with the training and toddler sippie cups.

7) Peanut Shell Microfleece Sling--I LOVE this sling, but whether you get this one or not, you must get a sling. I really liked this sling because it is soft, stretchy, warm, and it has a pocket and a place to attach keys or whatever. Alex still loves being in the sling.

8) Shopping Cart/Restaurant High Chair Cover--You won't use this until the baby is able to hold up his/her head, but it is a necessity.

9) Auto Mirror--you have to get an auto mirror, makes driving around when it is only you in the car much better.

10) Baby Einstein Stationary Entertainer--We call it Alex's Comand Center. This became the best thing we purchased at about 4 months and has been a life saver. He loves it and while we typically don't leave him in it longer than 30 minutes at a time, it is wonderful to be able to put him in it, know he is safe, and get a few things done.

Rockin' out to Stunts new tracks--Tio Juan Rocks!

Uncle Juan's band, Stunts, has a new cd coming out. Alex loves this track from A Brand New Day! Enjoy.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

For Daddy, Uncle Chris, Tio Alvaro, and Tio Juan

Alex is turning in to another sound fanatic, following in the footsteps of his Daddy and uncles! Alan set up his sound board and Alex helped him explore some new guitar sounds!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Abuelo Y Abuela

Alex's Spanish grandparents had to leave today after a nice visit. While it is always hard to see them leave, we know we will see them again soon when Juan comes for school (hopefully)!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Rock star!

Thanks to big cousin Ayden for Alex's rockin' guitar!

Birthday Party

We had a birthday party for Alex and all of his friends on Saturday. When I planned the party, it was supposed to be 65 degrees and sunny on party day. However, I should have known not to trust the meteorologist because we ended up with 50 degrees (that felt like 40) with overcast skies. It was still a ton of fun and Alex enjoyed every minute! Thank you to everyone who braved the weather with us!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

First Birthday!

It is difficult to believe that Alex is already one year old. This year has brought us more joy than we could have possibly imagined. At one year, Alex jabbers all the time and has a vocabulary of about ten words, including quack-quack and moo. We figure that since we are throwing two languages at him at a time, he is doing very well. He has taken a few steps, but prefers his turbo crawl to walking right now. He pays attention to everything and he tries to hide from us and then giggles when we find him. He is learning every day and keeping his mommy and daddy on our toes!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cooper Memorial Chapel

On Saturday, we took Alex to the chapel where we got married. He was very interested in exploring and checking everything out.

Aunts! Argh!!

Tia Carolina (Nina) is making sure that she does what she thinks Alex wants (like the rest of the Aunts) and not so much what the parents might like! Thanks to Carolina, Alex has enjoyed his first Chupa sucker and he has many more to look forward too (she brought 12)! She has been spoiling him rotten since she arrived and he is loving every minute of it!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Popping, Thank you Aunt Shelley and Ayden

Thank you to Ayden and Aunt Shelley, Alex has an infamous POPPER! I had left the popper hidden in the closet, thinking he wouldn't appreciate it until he was much older. However, he found it last week and ever since, he pushes and pulls it all around the house. If he crawls into the bedroom, he is dragging it behind him. If he pulls up on the chair, he has it in hand to push from his high level. If he wasn't so cute about it, it would drive me crazy! I guess I will give it a few more weeks and then it probably will drive me crazy.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Scraped Nose!

So, Alex is scheduled to have his one year pictures taken on Thursday and, true to his nature, he scraped his little nose on Tuesday! It didn't upset him at all, but now I have to decide whether to have photos taken or wait! Argh!! :)