Saturday, November 22, 2008

Kansas City in the Cold!

I had to go to a meeting in Jefferson City this week and I talked Alan and Alex in to going with me. This was our first overnight trip with Alex and he did so great, so watch out world, we will be world travelers in no time! We planned it right so that he would take his full naps in the car. Those of you who know Alex, though, know that he is just like his daddy and can pretty much sleep anywhere!

We ended up going to Kansas City for some family time and went to the Overland Park Botanical Gardens and Arboretum. Even though it was fairly cold, we had a great time and Alex loved being outside. To our KC friends, we only visited for a short time and will plan on a "real" visit with everyone next time!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Discussing the day's events with my posse


This is Alex's favorite sleeping position and it always cracks me up! He is my little turtle!

Look at those eyes!!

My dad keeps saying that Alex's eyes are green or brown or whatever strikes his fancy that day. However, this picture captures Alex's true eye color . . . a beautiful icy blue.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Santa comes early to these parts

Yes, I know it is early for Santa. But everywhere we go, we hear holiday music. Main Street already has the garland strung from the lamp posts. And Santa arrived at the mall on Saturday. My sister, Shelley, informed me that unless I want the American grandparents to beat me to the punch, I better get to the mall so Alex could meet Santa. She tells me the stories of how, for three years in a row, Nanny and Papa took Ayden to see Santa before his parents had the opportunity (much to my sister's chagrin). So, we joined our friends, Danny, Mona and Maya, to meet Santa. While many babies scream and cry the first time they meet the jolly fellow, Alex and Maya were mesmerized.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama babies

While our children do not currently understand anything about politics, in the years to come, we will educate them. We will tell them about this historic election in which millions of people got to the polls to have their voices heard. We will let them know how much their future meant to us and how we worked alongside other citizens to fight for change. We will let them know that they will have their own choices in the future because of the change we helped make today. And while they may choose to support people in the future that I do not, they will have that freedom and I will support and love them no matter what. (But until they can speak for themselves, I get to dress them however I want!)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Weekend fun

ready to bite . . .

mischief is afoot . . .

planning their next move . . .

happiness is . . .

the legs are what keep the girls coming back . . .