Sunday, December 28, 2008

What to do over Christmas Break

We had family photos taken while the chickens (Stacey and Chris for those of you who are not aware of their true identities) were visiting from the big city. They came out pretty good for a group of eight adults and two children.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


I think the best part of Christmas for Alex was having everyone around him wanting to play with him. He was the center of attention and he loved it. Aunt Stacey and Uncle Chris were here from New York; Aunt Shelley, Uncle Alan, cousin Ayden, Nanny, and Papa from Carl Junction; "Aunt" Amanda and cousins Nemo and ZZ from New York; "Aunt" Stephanie from Arizona; "Aunt" Halley from California; and lots of other people.

Cool bilingual toy from Aunt Shelley, Uncle Alan and Ayden

Watch me walk!

Mickey Mouse Firetruck from Santa

Figuring out how to open presents

Sweet Nemo

ZZ and Alex

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hangin' in my crib

you wanna piece of me?
pick me! pick me!
mmm, this tastes good
how you doin'

Climbing on EVERYTHING!

Overnight, Alex started pulling up to standing on everything. Hefollows me around to grab my legs and pull up, he pulls up on the couch and chairs, on his crib, against the back door, anything and anywhere!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


We went to our friend, Garen's, graduation party tonight. Alex played and jabbered with everyone and by the time we got home, he was out. He didn't even wake up when we took off his coat.

Standing Tall

Mamas little helper

Alex had a lot of firsts over the weekend. He learned how to climb into the laundry basket by himself. From the laundry basket, he climbed on to the couch. From the couch, he climbed onto me and then tried to climb up me and onto the back of the couch. Once he got to this point, I would put him back on the floor only for him to do the same thing over and over about 15 more time! He has also been pulling up to standing for about a week. This weekend, he would stand and then let go! About 2 seconds after letting go, he would realize that he did not quite have the balance needed to stand on his own and would topple over, laugh and start all over again.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Friar Alejandro

While Alex is still pretty bald, he does have some hair that sticks out on the sides when it is wet. At least it is a start!!

Aunt Shelley Rocks!

At Diego's Birthday Party

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Big boy snacks

During a recent trip to Kansas City, Alex experienced his first cookie. When we returned, we started giving him biter or teething biscuits. He was mesmerized by them at first but quickly started chomping on them. He even pretends like he will give Alan a bite but then pulls it back, teasing him! It amazes me how quickly time flies and how just yesterday he was breastfeeding and today he is eating big boy food! I need it all to slow down, he is already growing up too fast!

Who needs toys when there are boxes?

Alex has always loved playing with things a little outside of the box. Now, he has discovered the love of playing inside the box, around the box, over the box, and under the box!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Kansas City in the Cold!

I had to go to a meeting in Jefferson City this week and I talked Alan and Alex in to going with me. This was our first overnight trip with Alex and he did so great, so watch out world, we will be world travelers in no time! We planned it right so that he would take his full naps in the car. Those of you who know Alex, though, know that he is just like his daddy and can pretty much sleep anywhere!

We ended up going to Kansas City for some family time and went to the Overland Park Botanical Gardens and Arboretum. Even though it was fairly cold, we had a great time and Alex loved being outside. To our KC friends, we only visited for a short time and will plan on a "real" visit with everyone next time!