Sunday, August 31, 2008

Green Apple Boy

Alex got new outfits from Aunt Stacey, including this baby alpaca pants and hat. Super soft and super cute!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Stare Down!

MMMM Bananas

We bought Alex a mesh feeding sucker and he loves it! We put part of a banana in it and he went crazy. It was a whole new experience and a whole new way for him to get to control his own eating. I doubt that we will try too much other than bananas because it is very messy. Once he was done with the banana, he wiped the empty mesh container all over his face!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy even when sick

Alex was a bit puny today. But, true to his nature, Alex was still happy, he just wanted to be held. I took this photo after I gave him a bath.

Favorite way to sleep

Alex has been sleeping recently on his belly with his butt up in the air! If we move him, he squirms his way back to this position.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Give me the REAL food

Alex loves "real" food. He has tried and conquered rice cereal, sweet peas, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots and bananas. His favorites so far are carrots and bananas. Those of you who have witnessed his forays in to the real food world have seen how excited he gets as soon as he is seated in his highchair and then how demanding he gets when the spoon is not in his mouth fast enough. Yesterday was the first time he had fruit--bananas--and he actually leaned as far forward as he could, grabbed at the spoon, and demanded more food. In the top picture, I had mixed bananas with rice cereal and he freaked out! I would say that has been his favorite.
I have researched and checked with my pediatrician and have decided to start making my own baby food for Alex. We will see how long that lasts, but I really want to know what is going in to his food and I want to be able to provide similar foods for him as the foods we eat. Alan can't wait until Alex is old enough that we can puree some Spanish foods for him!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hangin' Around

Thanks to our very good friends, Garen and Yvette, Alex has a jumping gym that he loves. He got to jump in it yesterday for the first time and he thought he was pretty cool. He was, of course, wearing his Future Rock Star onesie and his Flaming Guitar shoes!

Five Months Old

Aunt Shelley and Ayden picked out this surf outfit for Alex and Ayden made this special bear at Build a Bear. Alex was once dwarfed by the bear and he now overpowers the bear (well, maybe not overpowers, but he is definitely bigger than the bear!).

Friday, August 15, 2008

It was in the way!!!

Alex flipped his little baby gym over the other day---and he thought it was hilarious! He used to be so content to play on the gym but those days are long gone!! He is so active and he no longer has any use for the docile play gym. He wants to crawl, roll, kick and attack whatever is in his way! Aunt Stacey, he is not complying well with your agreement to hide his super powers until he is older -- he is showing those powers every day!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Almost crawling

Alex tries really hard to crawl and he almost has it down. He gets his butt up in the air and he pushes forward, but he just doesn't have the arm movements down yet. Sometimes, he does the army boot camp crawl or he gets frustrated and just flips over.

I'm waiting . . . entertain me!

No, those aren't horns! Those are little leggies!!!!

My sweet potato

Alex is an expert snuggler!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


We got to hang out with big cousin Ayden this past weekend. Check out the difference in color, my little snow man next to Mr. Tan!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My future's so bright . . .

Who knew? Peas are soooo good!

Alex had his first trip in to the vegetable world today with peas! He loved them, covered his face with them, and demanded more. Next, we will try carrots. If anyone has good tips for making your own baby food, send them my way!

Saturday, August 2, 2008