Wednesday, March 11, 2009

First Birthday!

It is difficult to believe that Alex is already one year old. This year has brought us more joy than we could have possibly imagined. At one year, Alex jabbers all the time and has a vocabulary of about ten words, including quack-quack and moo. We figure that since we are throwing two languages at him at a time, he is doing very well. He has taken a few steps, but prefers his turbo crawl to walking right now. He pays attention to everything and he tries to hide from us and then giggles when we find him. He is learning every day and keeping his mommy and daddy on our toes!!


Anonymous said...

jaja, muy buenas las fotos comiendose la tarta de chocolate!! se puso perdido!

Mauby said...

Love the eating the cake picture! So funny!

maskedbadger said...

i think next time you should make a cake that doesn't look so much like something else when it is smeared on your child.

it's plenty entertaining for me because you know i'm going to tell him you made him a poop cake for his first birthday. the photos will support my story.

made2mama said...

Looks like he wasn't afraid to get messy;P I love that last picture of him!