Sunday, December 16, 2007

Third Trimester: Jumping up and down

Our little man is very active now, moving all over and every once in awhile, moving so much that it feels like he does a flip!

We are finally in the third trimester. I say finally, but actually, the time has flown by. We are almost done with all the new hardwood floors that we are installing and just have a few more smaller projects to accomplish before the baby arrives. I am wanting to get as much done in the next month as possible, considering that February and March will not be months that I will want to do much. I have been nesting a bit and doing a ton of organizing in the house. I am realizing we have far too much junk. We have made several trips to make donations to the Disabled American Vet and the Goodwill stores and we are packing up other items to join the rest of the junk we have in the attic!

We hope everyone is doing well and we wish you all a very happy holiday season!

1 comment:

made2mama said...

I can't believe your in the 3rd trimester. How exciting! I remember those days well;)
Take care. I hope Alan is giving you plenty of backrubs.