Monday, April 13, 2009


Alex thinks he is a super hero. This could be because Aunt Stacey has been suggesting since he was in the womb that he would be capable of super powers. Over the last few weeks, Alex has developed a strange habit of finding discarded socks or bibs and putting them on his back, between his shoulder blades, as if the item is a cape. Once it is in place, he crawls off like a madman with a fiendish grin and glimmer in his eye. It is as if he believes he is getting away with something, pulling the wool over my eyes. Recently, our friend Annetta got Alex this very cool Superman shirt with attached cape. He wears it naturally!


Mauby said...

hehe! I like the bib in the second picture...looks like he made it a double cape. Must be faster flying that way. :)

Nick and Jasmine Barnett said...

Look at those abs!! Just what kind of work out do you guys have him on?? I love the new cape... He will be flying of the couch onto the coffee table next!!

maskedbadger said...

i love how his alias is a superhero.

"by day he's a mild mannered, cape-wearing man of steel but when there's trouble he runs to a phone booth (increasingly difficult to find in today's cellphone infested world), rips off his fake abs and fake cape and becomes his true self..."

what? you thought i'd give away his secret identity?