Friday, January 9, 2009

Gene "Alex" Simmons

So, our first (and very short-lived) pediatrician informed us when alex was only 9 days old that he was tongue-tied and would have to have his tongue clipped. What? We said. How could he know something at such an early age? The pediatrician laughed at us and said "because your son cannot extend his tongue beyond his lower lip. It is obvious, can't you tell?" We could not tell, Alex seemed to be moving his tongue perfectly fine and we were not willing to have his tongue clipped immediately. We found a new pediatrician and when we asked her if he was tongue tied she said "No, why would you think so?" We thought the same. A mere 9 months later and no tongue-clipping and Alex has taken to performing his Gene Simmons impersonation on a regular basis.

1 comment:

zznemo08 said...

toungue clipped??? are you serious? good decision to change his pediatrician post haste!