Thursday, October 23, 2008

Diaper Duty

So, Alan and I take turns getting up at night to change Alex's diaper. He no longer eats at night, but the boy is a pee machine and around 2 in the morning, he wakes up with a very wet diaper. I try not to make him any more alert than necessary at 2 a.m., just doing the basics of changing. I leave the light off, I whisper to him if he jabbers, and I only use warm wipes. Generally, this works well and he ends up with a nice, dry diaper ready for several more hours of blissful sleep. The other night, however, I was extra tired. I went through the whole routine and put him back to bed, happy that I had completed my motherly duty (and thankful that the next night would be Alan's turn). When we woke up in the morning, I went to get Alex ready for the babysitter's. When I went to change his diaper, I was astonished that it was even halfway attached to his little butt. I had fastened the strips all haphazardly and the diaper hung off of him and would likely not have caught anything seeping from his little self. I think that this is all the more reason that Alan should take more of the 2 a.m. diaper duties--just so his little man will not have to endure such poor middle of the night mothering!


maskedbadger said...

son, you got a panty on your head.

The Brady Family said...

Well, I am raising Arizona!

Unknown said...

Your diaper adventures could be worse. When Dryden was very little, I got up in the morning to change his diaper and noticed it seemed especially bulky. I discovered that in my previous night's sleep haze I had managed to put a new diaper over the top of the old one!

made2mama said...

What a sweet thoughtful mamma you are! I think I stopped using warm wipes when Brianna was 2 or 3 months old.