Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Who knew? Peas are soooo good!

Alex had his first trip in to the vegetable world today with peas! He loved them, covered his face with them, and demanded more. Next, we will try carrots. If anyone has good tips for making your own baby food, send them my way!


Janessa Hall said...

Did we actually get any peas on the inside? :)

maskedbadger said...

that's what all the fancy spas are doing these days. pea facials. carrot nail soaks. you could open up a baby spa and you'd have to turn folks away. avoid beets. they stain.

Mauby said...

mmmm! Feeding food is soo much fun! :D I Look forward to hearing about carrots and fruits!!!! I think we are going to try 1st foods chicken and broth this week!

Mauby said...

did you try carrots Yet?

The Brady Family said...

carrots are next. we are going to try those this weekend. our pediatrician suggested we try one veggie a week at first to make sure he doesn't have any allergies.