Saturday, July 26, 2008

Growing Up is Hard to Do (for Mommies)

Our little trio was walking last week in the mall when we noticed a mother and her three-year-old daughter walking toward us. As they got closer, we realized that the mother was hatefully telling the little girl to "grow up". GROW UP! She was only THREE-YEARS-OLD!! It made me sad as I thought what this little girl's life was probably like and it made me remember how important having fun is for little ones (as well as their parents). We try to have as much fun with Alex as possible. But, sadly, he will enevitably grow up.

This week, Alex started sleeping in his crib in his room that seems so far away from ours (though it is probably less than 30 feet). He loves his big boy bed as it gives him ample room to stretch out. But I loved having him in our room where he often ends up snuggling with us in our bed halfway through the night. It was time, however, to let him sleep in his room. He is so happy with the arrangement that he slept seven hours straight on the second night he slept in the room so far away from ours. He is happy, so I am happy. Last night, however, while dreaming, I woke Alan up and told him to go get the baby and bring him to me. I don't remember this, but I was so happy when I woke up with my warm baby snuggled tightly in my arms. Tonight I will resist the urge, even in my dreams, to make my baby uncomfortable just to make me happy.


Whitney said...

I couldn't agree more, Stephanie!! When are the mother's of this world going to finally invent the rewind button for life? We've got one for TiVo/DVR but not on our children :)

made2mama said...

That was sooo precious you telling Alan to get Alex in your sleep;) It was so good to visit with you all and meet your lil' one even though it was very short. Alex is such an adorably sweet happy baby! I wish we had more time to have a get together with everyone there.

maskedbadger said...

just generally, people who yell at small children in public ought to be stomped.

as to the growing up part, that's what i tell the kid every time he calls me. "your mom will lose it if she finds out you can already levitate things and walk through walls, so knock it off." he thinks it's creepy that moms would want their babies mute and practically incapable or reasonable locomotion, pooping themselves randomly when they could be flying around solving all the world's problems.

i try to explain it in terms that will be helpful. i'm not a mother. i can't wait until we can talk out in the open but i give it my best shot. "fine," he says. "goo goo goo." and then, completely on purpose, he poops.

i just can't wait until we have the "firestarting is a power we should use rarely" talk.