Thursday, July 17, 2008

Changing every single day

Alan's mom kept saying how Alex is more handsome everyday. We think he is, but he is also growing and figuring out new things so fast that it is hard to keep up!

Finding His Feet--he tries so hard to get them in to his mouth!

Eating his first cereal--he wasn't too sure about the spoon at first, but he loved the cereal!

Getting Bigger!!--He is still in the 25th percentile for height and weight, but he is growing everyday and getting to be a chunky monkey!

Chewing and Teething--Alex chews on everything, but especially his or other people's fingers! Our pediatrician told us that he is teething early and that we should see a tooth in 1 1/2 to 2 months!

Trying to Crawl--Our parents as teachers person showed us some techniques to help him in his quest to crawl and they are really working! He hasn't gotten the full idea down yet, but he is definitely moving and scooting!

Rocking and Rolling--Alan is hopeful that Alex will want to play the drums and guitar, just like Daddy! He already loves music and likes to make as much noise with his rattles as he can!


made2mama said...

Isn't it so fun to see him learning new things;) I remember those days with Brianna and to think it was all only about 7 months ago. It goes too fast:(. Now she's one and already learning how to test me ;P It's a whole new ball game. Be aware it begins that early. I want her to be a baby again:)

maskedbadger said...

the other day he called and told me he was really having trouble holding back. the kid was born with the ability to do all things human up to and including piloting a space shuttle and he's having trouble remembering the order normal humans develop so he can pretend to "learn" all those things at the right times. i told him he shouldn't write a book before he's two.

The Brady Family said...

well, you know he is also learning the spanish!