Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Happiness is . . .

Ayden gave this teddy bear to Alex and as you can see, Alex is pretty happy about it (even though the bear is twice his size).

It is crazy to realize that Alex is already a month old. He is doing great and is growing (he is over 6 pounds now!). He usually sleeps about 3 to 4 hours at a time and occasionally gives us a present and sleeps 5 or 6 hours at once. However, last night, he did not want to go back to sleep after his bottle so I ended up watching House Hunters at 2 in the morning with my bright eyed little man. Oh well, it is all worth it.


made2mama said...

He's an adorable little man! Brianna never slept well like that in the beginning due to being colic. We were doing good to get her to sleep 30 min. at a time!

maskedbadger said...

the dogs sleep well all night. and all day... and then the next night.

is that bear sporting a minnie pearl price tag?

tell my nephew i've got a cowboy hat pattern and he better start practicing his cowboy walk.

Whitney said...

Sounds like everything is going great! I'm glad to see he's so happy!

Wrandi said...

That is the cutest picture! I'm glad he is sleeping well, can you send some of that to my house?