Saturday, October 13, 2007

Definite Parts!

It is definite, we have a boy! We had our ultrasound today and he seems very healthy, though he was asleep when we started the ultrasound and Kathy had to jiggle him around and I had to drink some caffeine to get him to wake up. But, when he did, he moved all over and showed us that he is definitely a boy. In fact, most of what we saw today was his belly and what appear to be very long legs. Alan says that he already looks like my dad with a big round belly and a bald head! He is 5 1/2 inches crown to rump right now (so that is without his legs) so I expect he is about 7 inches or so with his legs. Crazy! I will put some new pictures online when we convert them to the right format.

1 comment:

made2mama said...

A baby boy! We are super excited for you both!