Sunday, September 23, 2007

Welcome to our blog

Hello and welcome to our blog. We found out in July that we are pregnant after trying to conceive since December. When we found out, Alan's dad and brother, Juan, were visiting so we got to tell people from both of our immediate families in person. Both sets of grandparents are as ecstatic as we are about the addition to our family.

The baby is due in March and during a recent ultrasound, we became fairly positive that we are having a boy. However, it is still a little early to tell so we aren't buying too much boy stuff just yet. We are, however, trying to come up with names because we only had girl names that we really liked. So, if you have name ideas, send them along!

So far, I have been feeling pretty well, just tired and a little blah every once in a while. Mainly, we are just trying to have fun with this pregnancy and hoping that will make the journey even better.


Anonymous said...

I have a name !!

Maybe you can just name him Brady. It would be so easy for little Brady because he can learn his first and last name at the same time "Brady Brady". Man am I good at this!!

Anyways - Ella says she is happy for you both and can't wait to help you change dirty diapers.


The Eiken Family said...

I like Brett's idea. AND there would be no need to worry about future occupations...that's a perfect car salesman name!

Just kidding, Brett! We have a Robb Robberson and a Bill (William) Williams in town who seem to do pretty well at selling those cars!

your favorite father said...

Steph,,,,,,Don't ask me to change any of little Brady's dirty diapers....I love you, but not that much.

Love ya
Daddy Doyle