Thursday, September 27, 2007

Doctor's Appointment

We had another doctor's appointment on September 26th and were told that everything is going very well. The baby's heartbeat was extremely strong and the baby is moving up in to my belly. They said we should anticipate him(?) growing a lot over the next few weeks as he starts doubling in size. Right now, he is supposed to be about 4 inches or so long and he is supposed to double quickly.

We need baby name ideas, so please send us some good ones! The poll is a few of our favorites (even though Alan keeps saying he does not like Elijah), but we need more. If you have a good one, we will add it to the poll!

1 comment:

maskedbadger said...

oh, come on. elijah was a prophet. he went right on up to heaven without croaking first. on a chariot of fire, no less! how sweet is that? plus, you can revise that awesome song "liza jane" for "'lijah beck". hahhahahaha. i'll knit you a chariot of fire and you can play that cheeeeeezeeeeee song from the movie during his birth.