Wednesday, December 28, 2011

With Santa

Alex was not afraid of Santa like many of the other kids. He hopped right up on his lap and talked his ear off, telling him that he wanted: a dark blue sheet, an umbrella, a rake, and a wheelbarrow. I doubt Santa had heard such a strange list!!


Mauby said...

Ocean was the same way, a slightly different list, but no fear of Santa! He was annoyed that they were trying to take his picture though because he just wanted to chat with Santa.

Merry Christmas!

maskedbadger said...

Did he get the sheet?

The Brady Family said...

He got the sheet from Mommy and Daddy, the umbrella from Nanny and Papa, and the rake from Santa. We told him that with it being winter, Santa was probably out of wheelbarrows and that maybe he will get one for his birthday!