Friday, August 7, 2009

New "Trick"

Alex has learned a new trick, much to my dismay. Whenever he is walking next to me, holding my hand, and he sees something he wants he just lets his whole body go limp. For example, we just got home and while we were walking through the garage, Alex spotted both his motorized Harley tricycle and his guitar. Halfway between them, he just let his whole body go limp, forcing me to either pick him up and take him inside or let him have what he wanted. I chose the first for a moment and then I relented, allowing him to have what he wanted (he is a bit spoiled). The funny thing was that it took him a moment to decide between the two. He started for the guitar only to change direction suddenly in favor of the tricycle.

I guess it could be worse. He could be one of those screamers who demand at decibles higher than any human should be able to create what they want. Luckily, he is a quiet demander, for now.


Tia Carolina (Nina) said...

That trick is the ragedy anne trick!! I usedto do it all the time when i didnt want to go to worked every time.jajajajajaja Great Alex!!

Mauby said...

Ocean does it too! :D In fact, if he doesn't want to be picked up, he will just drop all his weight to his bum and be near impossible to pick up!

zznemo08 said...

lucky you, zz is a screaming foot-stomping menace!

maskedbadger said...

ooooh! passive resistance! if you want him to stop doing it, look at him with weary eyes and say, "seriously, you're using a technique of civil disobedience, a technique dr. king and gandhi used to help oppressed people make their situations clear to the world, and especially to their opressors in an effort to change laws and minds. you're using what they used to get what? a bike? wow. i'll bet they'd be proud." and he'll look sad for a minute, but he'll save his civil disobedience techniques for big things later, like a new car.