Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy Mama

When we bought Alex his potty, we really didn't think he would even get the idea for several more months. He proved us wrong! Today, a mere week since we bought the potty, he peed twice and pooped once in the potty! He came to me each time and let me know he needed to go. I am pretty excited (and never imagined that I would be happily blogging about poop and pee)! Since I am certain that you are all completely interested in what kind of potty Alex got, check it out


zznemo08 said...

really, not jealous at all, not one bit, i mean why would I want to forgo the pleasure of changing diapers for twins for at least another muthuf*cking year! really, congrats, i mean sincerely, not jealous, really.....

The Brady Family said...

Yeah, but it will probably be another month before he does it again! He is just probably teasing me, making me think he will be potty trained before 18 months!

faulkner said...

what's up with all the young parents and poop? it's nearly all they speak of.

maskedbadger said...

you can use it to build those awesome straw brick houses. save that stuff up!

The Brady Family said...

i have heard you speak of poop quite frequently, uncle chris, when discussing max and guthrie. our discussion just happens to be of the human kind.

made2mama said...

This is awesome Stephanie! I remember Brianna showing signs at 18 months and wished I would have got on it then. She is thankfully potty trained now though. Consistency on my part did the trick;)