Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sad Trees--Wind Storm

I am mourning the loss of the only two trees in our front yard. Yesterday morning, we had tornadoes in the area and 85 mile an hour winds by our house. Luckily, we just lost our two trees, but that made me sad. They were only about 15 years old, so not huge, but they were nice. We were trying to go to work, I had left twice trying to get Alex to Rita's house and had to turn back each time. Alex and I were standing in his room when the larger of the two trees went down. We heard a huge crash and were thankful that it fell away from the house.


maskedbadger said...

i hate to keep drawing attention to the same thing, but people (i'm not saying which people) who can control matter with their mind might have some say in which way a tree falls, at least if one of those people is within levitating distance of a large branch. which is not necessarily what happened, but might be what happened. because honestly that tree looks mean and i think it might have had intentions that included a large window, which might have been thwarted by someone who could levitate. that's all i'm saying.

The Brady Family said...

you might be on to something there, maskedbadger. alex did seem rather pleased with the falling of the trees (and the storm in general-kinda reminds me of an aunt of his).