Thursday, September 25, 2008


My best friend, Amanda, has two beautiful little girls, a mere 6 weeks older than Alex. Amanda has been concerned recently about their obsession with grass--crawling on it, pulling eat, stuffing it in their mouths. I assured her this must be normal. But is Alex eating grass, she asked. Well, no, I said. However, shortly after that conversation, Alex began his own little obsession. He hasn't really eaten much, yet. But the crawling and pulling has begun. I can only imagine that stuffing his little mouth full of the green delicacy will be right around the corner.


maskedbadger said...

once his baby legs fall off, he will need the chlorophyll in the grass to help him grow new toddler legs. why is this so confusing for everyone?

zznemo08 said...

told you so, told you so, told you, told you, told you, told you so!

made2mama said...

I guess I missed out on this interesting obsession. We didn't put Brianna on the grass until she was walking.