Wednesday, May 21, 2008

needles and naps

Alex has finally eclipsed his big cousin, Ayden's birthweight! He now weighs in at 10 pounds 1 ounce and is 22 inches long. He had a doctor's appointment yesterday at which he got his 2 month shots (including Hep B, Polio, Pneumococcal, DTP, Rotavirus and Hib). The nurse had to get smaller needles because his legs are still pretty little--though they seem huge to us compared to how small they were before. He did very good considering the shots go right in to the muscle of the thigh. Poor little guy looked at me like--Why did you let them do that to me?! I took him home and we snuggled up for a good nap.


Anonymous said...

I hated the 2-month immunizations. It is so hard to see their little bodies get so many shots! It sounds like he handled it well though. I'm glad he is growing so well! We can't wait to see him again!


Anonymous said...

You have to frame that pooping sequence, its just too funny.
