Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bed Rest

I had a doctor's appointment today and I have been placed on complete bed rest until the baby is born. My blood pressure was up last week and it was up even more this week. The baby's BP is also a little low. So, I have pregnancy induced hypertension and toxemia (protein in the urine) which are precursors to other problems if I do not go on bed rest. My doctor will check me on Monday and will likely induce Monday or Tuesday to reduce the likelihood of complications. Alexander's heart rate still sounds strong and he appears to still be growing some, though I lost another pound this week.

While I know all will be well, keep us in your thoughts and prayers.


made2mama said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe it could possibly be just a couple of days away before his arrival! We are praying for you all. Take care!

Anonymous said...

I hope all goes well. Thinking of you.

maskedbadger said...

i know you guys have one of those old school atari games that goes on the t.v. and has cartridges and a joystick. it's probably somewhere in the attic with the eight tracks and a mork and mindy lunch box. you could play it from bed as long as you don't get all riled up, and i'm pretty sure eighties video games are serious all-natural labor inducers. you would get the little guy prancing right on down the birth canal with a riveting game of pong. i've heard that if you start a game of galaga as soon as your water breaks, you'll have a quick delivery. if you can get a handheld version of the game, you can probably give birth before you finish the game.

*no claims about video games inducing labor have been substantiated in real life.