Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ice Cream and Babies

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and was suprised to find out that Nicolas Alexander is under weight. I feel like I eat all the time, but I have only gained 19 pounds at 35 weeks and the baby is estimated to only weigh 4 pounds. My doctor would have liked him to be at least 5 pounds at this time if not more. So, he has instructed me to eat as much as possible over the next few weeks and he took off the sugar restriction. He went as far as to tell me that I should stop on my way home and get an ice cream sundae. He is going to do another ultrasound in 2 weeks just to check to make sure that the baby has grown some by then. He is still moving a lot, so that is good. Alan is monitoring my food intake and trying to get me to eat more. I am eating several small meals throughout the day to get enough food. I don't have much space in there, so I don't feel like I can eat much at one time.

As most of you are aware, I am quite a big worrier, but I am trying not to worry too much about this. I just want to make sure he is healthy and I am trying to make sure that I don't go in to early labor. :)


maskedbadger said...

have you considered a weekly visit to fred n red's? spaghetti red will not only send that baby some tasty carbs, but it will take the edge off any worry you have. spaghetti red is well known for its anti-anxiety properties. during the reagan era, it was listed as a class 3 opiate and was banned in seventeen states.

during the 90s spaghetti red was legalized and more recent tests show that squeezing a dill pickle spear over a plate of spaghetti red counters any toxic effects it might have, leaving you with a pure source of carbohydrate relaxation and peace. the addition of a liberal amount of shake cheese only further enhances these effects.

say hello to those ladies in white.

The Brady Family said...

Ha! Alan actually tried to get me to go to Spaghetti Reds last night! He had similar ideas as to its opiate properties!

Anonymous said...

Although it was great to see you guys, I'd have to say Indian food is not my thing. Maybe next time we can go for opiate-like spaghetti? Sounds good. :-) Hope you're feeling ok!