Friday, January 4, 2008

Sea Turtle Birthday Present

Today is my birthday and my sweet husband got me the Leia Bell print for the nursery that I have wanted so much! It was sold out on her website, but one showed up on Ebay, so it is now in my hot little hands ready to be matted and framed for the baby's room! This print is called: They truly believed they were birds.


maskedbadger said...

those turtles kick butt!!!!! i really like how serious that front one looks.

for those who don't know, one year for halloween stephanie was a box turtle. yeah. we made her shell from a cardboard box and made her little turtle beak from an egg carton.

steph, can you post a copy of your box turtle self on here? people would probably like to see it. and then they could see my superfantastic bat costume mom made out of that stupid butterfly costume leddy miller's daughter had. shelley, of course, was a witch. nobody saw that coming....

The Brady Family said...

you sure are going to be in trouble with your other sister! you know you are afraid of her!

made2mama said...

Happy Birthday Stephanie! I love the print!

maskedbadger said...

everyone who went to high school in the mid eighties is afraid of my other sister. and she really was a terrifying witch that year.

post the photo, box turtle!!!