Monday, November 15, 2010

Abuelita's New Car

Alex hears everything we say--even things we think are minor and in passing. Alan talked to his mother last week (in Spanish) about her need for a new car. Yesterday, Alex constructed this new car for Abuelita out of pillows. 


Much to her daddy's chagrin, Alex has a bit of a crush on Maya. He has attempted hugs, kisses, holding hands, all to no avail.  However, he recently found her weak spot--music! He capitalized on this by sharing his microphones and inviting her to do a duet. I think she was hooked! (Sorry Danny!)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Alex + Mimi + ZZ = Crazy Wild Fun!!


Alex wanted to be a dragon for Halloween.  I found a really cool dragon costume, but when I went back to buy it, the woman in front of me snagged the last one in Alex's size.  I truthfully considered swiping it from her cart, but thought better of it.  Luckily, Alex decided he liked his Spiderman costume that his daddy bought him. He didn't want to scare anyone, so he only wore his mask for short periods of time.  He also called our (nearly 400) trick-or-treaters our customers.  "Mama, we have customers at the door!"