Thursday, June 11, 2009

Brooklyn Play Date

Alex and I got to spend and entire morning/afternoon with Amanda, ZZ and Mimi in their Brooklyn apartment. It was perfect for Alex because he got to go a bit crazy and have fun. I don't think Amanda was quite prepared for how much energy he has--I think his energy level equals that of her two sweet girls combined. But, we had a great time and the kids really enjoyed each other.

Alex, ZZ, Antonia (ZZ and Mimi's nanny) and MimiThe trio playing Alex slyly hugging Mimi while pretending only to be tricycling (he tried to hug her many times--she was NOT interested)
The whole group playing
Alex trying to escape the stoop to the streetPaci kids staring each other down . . .


Stephanie said...

who's the extra kid?

maskedbadger said...

everybody needs a brooklyn playdate.