Thursday, March 5, 2009

Popping, Thank you Aunt Shelley and Ayden

Thank you to Ayden and Aunt Shelley, Alex has an infamous POPPER! I had left the popper hidden in the closet, thinking he wouldn't appreciate it until he was much older. However, he found it last week and ever since, he pushes and pulls it all around the house. If he crawls into the bedroom, he is dragging it behind him. If he pulls up on the chair, he has it in hand to push from his high level. If he wasn't so cute about it, it would drive me crazy! I guess I will give it a few more weeks and then it probably will drive me crazy.


made2mama said...

What a cutie and a smartie;)I can't believe he's almost one!

maskedbadger said...

okay. several things:

1. you are obligated, as a parent, to listen to hours and hours per day of popping because all children deserve a chaos toy.

2. the fun starts when he can run with that thing. heh. you only think you understand chaos now.

3. these skills transfer to vacuuming and lawn mowing. encourage them.

4. chaos toys, when used by supernaturals, are good training because they allow the supernatural to thrive in massive chaos. this will allow him to defeat foes who create and thrive in chaos. for instance, mr. messy room doesn't stand a chance.