Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Well, I have gained about 4 pounds in the last two weeks since Alan has been feeding me extra well. Now, I have the flu so I am hopeful that I don't lose any of the weight that I have gained. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to check Alexander's growth and we hope he is up to at least 5 pounds.

The baby has started perking up as soon as he hears Alan's voice. It is really bizarre because he is so responsive to his daddy. Alan will be gone all day and come home and start talking and immediately, Alexander will start moving around and responding to his voice. The other day, Alan would say Alejandro toward my belly and he would immediately kick. Alan did this several time and got a response each time. It was really cool. He hears my voice all the time, so I am sure it is nice to hear his daddy's voice for a change!

1 comment:

maskedbadger said...

you're right about sound change. there are tons of studies showing babies respond aggressively to the mother's voice from birth (it's difficult to test them before that) but that they respond immediately to change in voice as well. i'll try to find a study for you. it's very cool.

baby brains are so much better than ours. when they're born, they have the capability to recognize and separate out every sound of every language in the whole world. during the first year or two, they discard nuances they don't hear in their immediate language(s) which is why, as adults, we don't hear the subtleties of languages other than our own. how do they do that?