Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Yoga with Mama

Alex tries to do all the yoga poses with me (and he is much nore flexible)!

Blackberry Bandit

Each night, Alex and I pick blackberries in the backyard and he tries to eat as many as I pick. I limit him to 8 blackberries, much to his chagrin. Tonight, he ran inside with his little pail of berries. He thought he was hiding from me as he started stuffing berries in his mouth! What can I say, he takes after his mama.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Art Walk Joplin, July

Cavorting with Taylor (and learning new dance moves)

Plotting My Escape
Riding High with Uncle Bobo

Kickin' It

Alex is in love

While I did not get photographic proof, I can say whole heartedly that Alex is in love with our good friend, Leah. Leah came to visit last night and Alex bestowed upon her a plethora of hugs. Those of you who know Alex know that he does not hug adults frequently. However, he was mesmerized by Leah and flowered her with adoration (and kept making her take her shoes off and on, a strange obsession he has). He looked upon Leah's fiance, Mark, however, with trepidation as if Mark might edge in on his action. It was pretty cute. Maybe next time I will get proof!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy Mama

When we bought Alex his potty, we really didn't think he would even get the idea for several more months. He proved us wrong! Today, a mere week since we bought the potty, he peed twice and pooped once in the potty! He came to me each time and let me know he needed to go. I am pretty excited (and never imagined that I would be happily blogging about poop and pee)! Since I am certain that you are all completely interested in what kind of potty Alex got, check it out

Blackberry Harvest

I LOVE blackberries . . . blackberry cobbler, blackberry ice cream, blackberry muffins, anything blackberry! Three years ago, I planted a small blackberry bush that has now grown to encompass almost the entire length of our south fence. This is the first of my blackberry harvest--about a quart. I am sure that my sisters and parents are jealous!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Big boy potty

While it is still early to start potty training, Alex is showing interest in potty training, so we decided to get a few tools and start talking about it with him so when he is ready, we will be too.
A good friend of ours told us about the Boon Potty that is super cool. We saw one at a store last week and picked it up along with the Once Upon a Potty book. Alex immediately started sitting on the potty, taking a book along with him. And why not a cowboy hat too?!