Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sunny Side

This is why I am wrapped around his finger . . .

Hanging at the Frog Spa

Brett and Kristi got Alex this pool for his birthday and we finally got to use it. He LOVED it and especially loved the little fountain that spews water on the front.

Chowing Down

Alex loves all food, seriously, everything we have put in front of the kid he eats with abandon. Today, Alan grilled up some corn in the husk and Alex tried it and loved it. I think he relished in the messiness as much as in the taste.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tulsa Zoo

We love going to the zoo and each time we go, Alex enjoys it more. This time, he sat still for thirty minutes, mesmerized by the elephant show. Those of you who know Alex know that he NEVER sits still so it was quite amazing for us. We rode the train and the merry go round and Alex made friends with everyone.

First Ride

Joplin Art Walk

The City of Joplin is working to establish more cultural venues in the area and is doing a pretty good job at it. During the summer, the community has a monthly art walk with about ten different options for live music, outdoor activities for kids, about 15 different galleries (really, 15!), wine tastings, food and more. I have been very impressed and we plan to support the activities so they will continue. Alex loves the music--especially a blues revival band and the xylophone band.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hangin' at the Park

I am pretty sure that Alex is going to be a nature lover--just like his mama. We go to the park and while he loves playing on the structures, he prefers exploring in the grass, through the water, and around the trees.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Alex has been saying the traditional baby words: mama, dada, papa, nana, wawa, baba, ball, etc. About a week or two ago, Alex expanded his vocabulary by quite a few words--primarily tortuga--the Spanish word for turtle. He has this Leia Bell print in his room and each night Alan points to it and says tortuga. I guess it has stuck.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sad Trees--Wind Storm

I am mourning the loss of the only two trees in our front yard. Yesterday morning, we had tornadoes in the area and 85 mile an hour winds by our house. Luckily, we just lost our two trees, but that made me sad. They were only about 15 years old, so not huge, but they were nice. We were trying to go to work, I had left twice trying to get Alex to Rita's house and had to turn back each time. Alex and I were standing in his room when the larger of the two trees went down. We heard a huge crash and were thankful that it fell away from the house.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Don't worry--I don't generally let him play with bags on his head! But, a superhero needs to maintain his anonymity.

Daddy's Mouse

Alan and his family went to Disneyworld in 2001 and he has cherished this hat ever since. In his recent hat obsession, Alex has claimed it as his own.