Thursday, September 27, 2007

Doctor's Appointment

We had another doctor's appointment on September 26th and were told that everything is going very well. The baby's heartbeat was extremely strong and the baby is moving up in to my belly. They said we should anticipate him(?) growing a lot over the next few weeks as he starts doubling in size. Right now, he is supposed to be about 4 inches or so long and he is supposed to double quickly.

We need baby name ideas, so please send us some good ones! The poll is a few of our favorites (even though Alan keeps saying he does not like Elijah), but we need more. If you have a good one, we will add it to the poll!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Pregnancy Cartoons by Aunt Stacey (2)

In this cartoon, Stacey plays on my OCD tendencies and I must say, when I am in labor, hopefully I won't have to deal with a short nurse!! :)

Pregnancy Cartoons by Aunt Stacey

So, my sister Stacey is extremely creative and can do nearly anything. One of her many talents is making great cartoons from our everyday lives. Here are a few of the recent gems! The first one is a cartoon of Alan waking me up during the night to tell me to roll on to my left side. I recently made the mistake of telling Alan that I had read how it is a good idea to sleep on your left side when pregnant because it helps the blood and oxygen get to the baby the best. Ever since, I am awakened at least twice each night by my concerned husband to encourage optimal sleep position!

Ultrasound 13 weeks

Our little one is very active and was moving all over during our ultrasound at 13 weeks. In this picture, our little Brady is sticking out his(?) tongue and waving his hand. He was also stretching, kicking his legs and swallowing a lot! My dad didn't believe me when we said we could see so much on the ultrasound but he was amazed when he actually saw the video and the photos. This photo does not do the actual pictures justice because they were even clearer on the actual ultrasound screen. I will post video soon.

Welcome to our blog

Hello and welcome to our blog. We found out in July that we are pregnant after trying to conceive since December. When we found out, Alan's dad and brother, Juan, were visiting so we got to tell people from both of our immediate families in person. Both sets of grandparents are as ecstatic as we are about the addition to our family.

The baby is due in March and during a recent ultrasound, we became fairly positive that we are having a boy. However, it is still a little early to tell so we aren't buying too much boy stuff just yet. We are, however, trying to come up with names because we only had girl names that we really liked. So, if you have name ideas, send them along!

So far, I have been feeling pretty well, just tired and a little blah every once in a while. Mainly, we are just trying to have fun with this pregnancy and hoping that will make the journey even better.